Volume 71, Issue 3 (1996) Symposium on Trends in Legal Citations and Scholarship
Symposium EditorsFred R. Shapiro and Jean Stefancic
Front Matter
Table of Contents - Issue 3
Chicago-Kent Law Review
Jean Stefancic and Fred R. Shapiro
The Most-Cited Law Review Articles Revisited
Fred R. Shapiro
The Most Prolific Law Professors and Faculties
James Lindgren and Daniel Seltzer
The Problem of Social Cost: The Citations
R. H. Coase
Gerald Gunther
Property Law and the New Economic Order: A Betrayal of Middle Americans and the Poor
Charles A. Reich
Heavily Cited Articles in Law
William M. Landes and Richard A. Posner
Response to Landes and Posner
Fred R. Shapiro
How to Win Cites and Influence People
J. M. Balkin and Sanford Levinson
Judges and Scholars: Do Courts and Scholarly Journals Cite the Same Law Review Articles
Deborah J. Merritt and Melanie Putnam
Affirmative Action: Necessary but Not Sufficient
Frances Olsen
The Colonial Scholar: Do Outsider Authors Replicate the Citation Practices of the Insiders, but in Reverse
Richard Delgado
Outsider Scholars: The Early Stories
Jean Stefancic and Richard Delgado
Theatre, Stage Directions & (and) Copyright Law
Beth Freemal
- Editor-in-Chief
- Ann R. Perry
- Managing Editor
- Mia Furlong
- Executive Articles Editors
- Katherine M. Christensen
- Colleen M. Cullen
- Kimberly D. Fahrbach
- George W. Hoffman
- Lea M. Parent
- Survey Editor
- Colleen M. Cullen
- Notes & Comments Editors
- George G. Argionis
- Michael D. Coppin
- Stephanie A. Kartofels
- Sherry A. Knutson
- Peter G. Lisuzzo
- Patricia O'Brien
- Joanne E. Shineflug
- Peter A. Zarov