Volume 68, Issue 3 (1992) Symposium on the Law of Slavery: Comparative Law and Slavery
Symposium EditorPaul Finkelman
Front Matter
Table of Contents - Issue 3
Chicago-Kent Law Review
The Centrality of the Peculiar Institution in American Legal Development - Symposium on the Law of Slavery: Introduction
Paul Finkelman
Ideology and Imagery in the Law of Slavery - Symposium on the Law of Slavery: Theories of Democracy and the Law of Slavery
William W. Fisher III
Slavery in the Canon of Constitutional Law - Symposium on the Law of Slavery: Constitutional Law and Slavery
Sanford Levinson
A Federal Assault: African Americans and the Impact of the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 - Symposium on the Law of Slavery: Constitutional Law and Slavery
James Oliver Horton and Lois E. Horton
Slaves and the Rules of Evidence in Criminal Trials - Symposium on the Law of Slavery: Criminal and Civil Law of Slavery
Thomas D. Morris
South Carolina's Largest Slave Auctioneering Firm - Symposium on the Law of Slavery: Criminal and Civil Law of Slavery
Thomas D. Russell
Sexual Cruelty to Slaves: The Unreported Case of Humphreys v. Utz - Symposium on the Law of Slavery: Criminal and Civil Law of Slavery
Judith K. Schafer
Thinking Property at Memphis: An Application of Watson - Symposium on the Law of Slavery: Comparative Law and Slavery
Jacob I. Corre
Symposium on the Law of Slavery: Book Reviews
Ruth Wedgwood
The Piper Lecture
The Impact of the EEC on Labor Law
Bernd Baron von Maydell
The EC vs. NAFTA: Levelling up vs. Social Dumping
Sheldon Friedman

- Editor-in-Chief
- John Grayson Johnson
- Managing Editor
- Julie L. Bentz
- Executive Articles Editors
- David Q. Burgess
- Karen J. Ferguson
- Kathleen J. Getty
- Matthew J. Petersen
- Timothy Shea, Jr.
- Survey Editor
- Kathleen J. Getty
- Notes & Comments Editors
- Daniel T. Brown
- Noreen P. Connolly
- Scott J. Eisen
- Michael J. Frazier
- Ronald P. Gould
- Allyson B. Harris
- Kathleen L. Hobbins
- Ronald E. Salemi