Volume 51, Issue 2 (1974) Seventh Circuit Review
Front Matter
Table of Contents - Issue 2
Chicago-Kent Law Review
Administrative Law
William L. Perlman and Ronald S. Adelman
Anti-Trust Law
Donald H.J. Hermann
Bankruptcy Rules - Practice and Procedure in Chapter XI
Allan G. Sweig and Gerald F. Munitz
Civil Procedure
Steven L. Bashwiner and Barbara B. Lounsbury
Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
Howard Eglit, Sybille Fritzsche, and Gerald Muller
Class Actions
William E. Kelly and Timothy C. Klenk
Criminal Law and Procedure
Joseph A. Ettinger
Patent Law
James A. Sprowl
Securities Law
Gerald L. Fishman
Constitutional Law Symposium - Racial Gerrymandering
Linda S. Amdur
First Amendment Prospective - The Gag Rule and Free Speech
Stephen B. Engelman
Criminal Discovery
James R. Fabrizio
Eminent Domain
Irwin E. Leiter
Federal Savings & Loan Law
Shelley B. Gardner
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Anti-Trust Laws: A Guide for the Practicing Attorney
Mary Gassmann Reichert
Table of Cases
Chicago-Kent Law Review

- Editor-in-Chief
- Candace J. Fabri
- Editors
- John C. Erb
- Vincent P. Flood, Jr.
- Steven A. Shapiro
- Lead Articles Editor
- Thomas R. Appleton
- Staff
- Ronald S. Adelman
- Linda S. Amdur
- C. Ronald Cook
- Terrance J. Coughlin
- Thomas J. DeMay
- Herb Elliott
- Stephen B. Engelman
- John F. Etzkorn
- James R. Fabrizio
- John R. Fry
- Shelley B. Gardner
- Leonard A. Grossman
- Georgiana H. Holt
- Ralph B. Kinnaird
- James M. Kirkland
- Timothy F. Kocian
- Irwin E. Leiter
- Anthony R. Mulcrone
- Judith W. Munson
- Thomas J. Petermann
- Mary G. Reichert
- Donald L. Robinson
- Jerry G. Silbert
- Deborah A. Sperlak
- Abigail K. Spreyer
- Carol A. Wood