Volume 43, Issue 1 (1966)
Front Matter
Contents - Issue 1
Chicago-Kent Law Review
Symposium - Libel and Slander in Illinois: Contents
Chicago-Kent Law Review
Defamation Defined
Kevin Martin
Slander and Slander Per Se
Michael D. Savage
Libel and Libel Per Se
Jack F. Kuhlman
Slander and Libel Distinguished
Michael D. Sasvage
Ronald Hankin
Special Damages
Ronald Hankin
Absolute Privileges
B. Sidler
Qualified Privileges
Ronald R. Evans
Truth as a Defense
B. Sidler
Defamation of Public Officials
B. Sidler
Mitigation of Damages
Ronald R. Evans

- Editor-in-Chief
- T.F. Lysaught
- Managing Editor
- A. Moenssens
- Associate Editors
- J. Danek
- B. Sidler
- Staff
- C. Krause
- K. Martin
- J. Kuhlman
- R. Johnson
- R. Golding
- M. Savage
- E. W. Bedrava
- E. Fricker
- J. Truschke
- F. Klosik
- M. Hoyt
- P. Komada
- R. Hankin
- G. Dirksen
- N. Kallen
- R. Olson