Seventh Circuit Review
Volume 1, Issue 1 (2006)
Front Matter
Table of Contents
Seventh Circuit Review
Civil Procedure
Seventh Circuit Moves to the Head of the Class: Recent Decisions Provide a Broad Interpretation of Federal Jurisdiction Under CAFA
Meghan J. Dolan
Cross Jurisdictional Tolling of the Statute of Limitations In Antitrust Claims: Plaintiffs Lose Their Day in Federal Court
John J. Koltse
Civil Rights
Copyright, Technology & The Boston Strangler: The Seventh Circuit and the Future of Online Music Access
Jeffrey J. Escher
Criminal Law-Evidence
Employment Law
The Seventh Circuit's Erosion of the Equal Pay Act
Jessica L. Linsted
First Amendment
Stop the Presses! Seventh Circuit Censors College Student Media
Julia R. Lissner
Seeking Asylum in a Hostile System: The Seventh Circuit Reverses to Confront a Broken Process
John R. Floss
Product Liability
Medical Device Preemption: A Reasonable Avenue of Tort Reform?
Jacob M. Eckburg
Public Welfare - Social Security
Between Empathy and Economy: The Struggle Over the Substantial Evidence Standard in Social Security Disability Determinations
Elaine Wyder-Harshman
Dismissing How the Purchaser-Seller Rule Affects SLUSA
Stacy A. Manning
- Professor
- Hal R. Morris
- Executive Editor—Teaching Assistant
- John G. New
- Editorial Staff
- Meghan J. Dolan
- Jacob M. Eckburg
- Jeffrey J. Escher
- John R. Floos
- John J. Koltse
- Jessica L. Lindsted
- Julia R. Lissner
- Barbara C. Long
- Stacy A. Manning
- Devin P. McComb
- Julie Ann Sullivan
- Robert L. Windon
- Elaine J. Wyder-Harshman