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Illinois Public Employee Relations Report, 1988-2011

The Illinois Public Employee Relations Report began as a publication of the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The first issue was published in March of 1984. Beginning in 1990 with Volume 7, No. 1, IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law joined the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign as a co-publisher of the Report, with Professor Martin Malin serving as faculty editor along with Professor Peter Feuille (U of I).

The Illinois Public Employee Relations Report provides current, nonadversarial information to those involved or interested in employer-employee relations in public employment. Each issue features a Recent Developments section written by the student editorial board, and other legal developments of interest to the public sector labor relations community, such as Fair Labor Standards Act, Equal Employment Opportunity laws, First Amendment issues, and the Illinois Public and Educational Labor Relations Act.

The Report is a quarterly publication. Beginning in 2012 with Volume 29, No. 1, the Report became an electronic-only publication.

Related collection(s): The Illinois Public Employee Relations Report

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