- Editor
- Nicole Buonocore Porter
- Managing Editor
- Marcia L. McCormick
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
Current Issue: Volume 27, Number 2 (2024)
Symposium Introduction: The Effect of Dobbs on Work Law
Nicole Buonocore Porter
The Federal Pregnant Workers Fairness Act: Statutory Requirements, Regulations, and Need (Especially in Post-Dobbs America)
Deborah A. Widiss
Chasing Freedom: The History of Government Oppression of the Most Vulnerable and How Expanded Leave Laws Can Promote Liberty for Workers in the Wake of Dobbs
Phillis H. Rambsy and Rebecca L. Salawdeh
Dobbs and Exit in Antidiscrimination Law
Marcia L. McCormick
Safe Leave from Work Post-Dobbs
Robin R. Runge
Religious Accommodations in the Dobbs Era
Ann C. McGinley
Abortion, Citizenship, and the Right to Travel
Rebecca E. Zietlow
Labor Law's Impact on the Post-Dobbs Workplace
Jeffrey M. Hirsch