
Creation Date
Class composite photograph for Chicago-Kent College of Law class of 1941.
Students and faculty pictured:
Charles Francis Baker
Edmund W. Burke
Webster H. Burke
Donald Campbell
George Christie
Charles C. Green
John F. Haas
James R. Hemingway
Charles H. Jackson
William M. James
Glen W. McGrew
Charles C. Pickett
Roger L. Severns
Walter B. Smith
George S. Stansell
Ernest E. Tupes
William F. Zacharias
Katharine D. Agar
S. Harold Bauer
Arthur W. Berg
Isadore M. Bernstein
Edward W. Boehm, Jr.
Edwin Bruder
Robert E. Bryant
Robert Richard Buchar
Harold Budowsky
Fred W. Burmeister
James I. Canoff
Robert E. Cassady
Roger B. Cross
John J. Curry
Harrison L. Dod
John L. Donnellan
Floyd E. Eckert, Jr.
Howard Randolph Franks
Walter W. Geister
Robert J. Hall
Leith M. Hansen
Edward R. Hwass
Harold M. Knoth
John P. Krall
Francis Weeger Krauser
Theodore H. Kross
Harry Kwasnick
Ira Levine
Fern Evelyn Lunk
Stanley A. Mack
Irwin S. Marks
Lester B. Marshall
Leo F. McLennon
Marguerite L. McNeill
Martin S. Morgan
William G. Negley
Patrick P. Petrone
Gerald Paul Pill
Benjamin Rifkin
Harold E. Romain
Arnold H. Schildknecht
William H. Schulze
Richard N. Servaas
Sherwin D. Simon
Russell P. Studebaker
Andrew L. Valentine
Cornelius P. Van Schaak, Jr.
Theodore P. Veesart
Edward K. Vincek
Clarence Walsh
Gerald R. Weeks