Creation Date
Class composite photograph for Chicago-Kent College of Law class of 1911, formerly Chicago Law School.
Students and faculty pictured:
G.B. Anderson
R.W. Beach
E.E. Beach
C.G. Davis
P.L. Evans
F. Fake
William N. Gemmill
G.I. Haight
J.P. Harrold
G.R. Jenkins
A.W. Marston
S.S. Page
H.F. Pennington, Jr.
C.C. Roe
F.P. Simons
H.O. Sprogle
J.J. Tobias
R.S. Tuthill
H.L. Wait
G.H. White
C.E. Ahrensfeld
F.G. Anderson
G.A. Baker
H.W. Baker
J.H. Buck
J.C. Corneilus
L.L. Cowan
F.B. Ebbert
J.L. Fowler
R.G. Hamilton
H.H. Harrison
H.H. Harwood
F.C. Hill
D.D. Hollis
W. Houghtby
L.H. Kerber, Jr.
R.H./A.H. Lang
A.E. Lindas
R.E. Little
J.M. Lowery
A.C. Mabee
F.A. Marnell
J.E. McKenna
J.D. McKiernan
P.L. Menn
A.N. Merritt
W.E. Moss
R.S. Nahin
I.N. Nelson
F. Peska
W. Ramsey
L.J. Rappaport
J.F. Sarley
J.F. Schmidt
J.E.W. Wayman
S. Wodika
Chicago-Kent College of Law, Chicago Law School, Composite, 1911