Volume 90, Issue 1 (2015) Shari'a and Halakha in North America
Symposium EditorMark D. Rosen
Front Matter
Table of Contents
Chicago-Kent Law Review
Mark D. Rosen
Roundtable Discussion: Opposition to Islamic and Jewish Religious Practices in Contemporary America: Overlap and Divergences, the Anti-Shari'a Movement in America
Wajahat Ali, Lee Ann Bambach, and Samuel Freedman
Installations of Jewish Law in Public Urban Space: An American Eruv Controversy
Charlotte Elisheva Fonrobert
Operating Islamic Jurisprudence in Non-Muslim Jurisdictions: Traditional Islamic Precepts and Contemporary Controversies in the United States
Mustafa R. K. Baig
Faith-Based Private Arbitration as a Model for Preserving Rights and Values in a Pluralistic Society
Michael J. Broyde
Oppress Me No More: Amending the Illinois LLC Act to Provide Additional Remedies for Oppressed Minority Members
Paul T. Geske
The Legal Quagmire of IRC § 501(c)(4) Organizations and the Consequential Rise of Dark Money in Elections
Daniel C. Kirby
The Need to Criminalize Revenge Porn: How a Law Protecting Victims Can Avoid Running Afoul of the First Amendment
Adrienne N. Kitchen

- Editor-in-Chief
- Heather N. Collinet
- Managing Editor
- Kelly Koss
- Executive Notes & Comments Editor
- Adrienne Kitchen
- Executive Articles Editors
- Michael Anderson
- Paul Geske
- Ashley Moscarello
- Matthew Mulroe
- Jacob Radecki
- David Repking
- Eric Shinabarger
- Richard Wilson
- Sarah Tunney
- Notes & Comments Editors
- Michael H. Adler
- Claudia L. Cortes
- Lucas H. Dahlin
- Shohreh Davoodi
- Melody Gaal
- Aon Hussain
- Malinda L. Pileggi
- Kara Ryan
- Gabriella Sneeringer