Volume 71, Issue 2 (1995) Symposium on Fee Shifting
Symposium EditorHarold J. Krent
Front Matter
Table of Contents - Issue 2
Chicago-Kent Law Review
The Fee-Shifting Remedy: Panacea or Placebo
Harold J. Krent
Fee Shifting and Predictability of Law
Keith N. Hylton
Liability-Based Fee-Shifting Rules and Settlement Mechanisms under Incomplete Information
Eric Talley
Fee Awards and Optimal Deterrence
Bruce L. Hay
Empirical Evidence on Settlement Devices: Does Rule 68 Encourage Settlement
David A. Anderson and Thomas D. Rowe Jr.
Fee Shifting in Criminal Cases
Pamela S. Karlan
The Piper Lecture
The Tensions between Regulating Workplace Harassment and the First Amendment: No Trump
Nadine Strossen
Sexual Harassment Law and the First Amendment
Linda S. Green

- Editor-in-Chief
- Ann R. Perry
- Managing Editor
- Mia Furlong
- Executive Articles Editors
- Katherine M. Christensen
- Colleen M. Cullen
- Kimberly D. Fahrbach
- George W. Hoffman
- Lea M. Parent
- Survey Editor
- Colleen M. Cullen
- Notes & Comments Editors
- George G. Argionis
- Michael D. Coppin
- Stephanie A. Kartofels
- Sherry A. Knutson
- Peter G. Lisuzzo
- Patricia O'Brien
- Joanne E. Shineflug
- Peter A. Zarov