Volume 15, Issue 2 (2015)
Conceptualizing the Schmittian Exception in the European Union
Luca Siliquini-Cinelli and Beatrice Schutte
NAFTA: Testing Ricardo’s Theory of Comparative Advantage
Bruce D. Fisher
British Cures for American Foreclosure Woes
Nicholas Krebs
Italy, Mexico, and the Legal Framework for Clientelism
Christopher L. Henry
Cases and Controveries
Case: Trout Point Lodge, Ltd. v. Handshoe
Kelsey Bates
- Editor-in-Chief
- Samantha Gaul
- Managing Editor
- Gordon Klein
- Executive Cases and Controversies Editor
- Lydia Ness
- Executive Submissions Editor
- Huy Nguyen
- Executive Articles Editors
- Geoffrey Curley
- Sharon Uti
- Kelsey Bates
- Yara Mroueh
- Associate Editors
- Kelsey Weyhing
- Jin To
- Alexandra Huiskens
- Xiaoduo Liu
- Courtney Rodman
- Fidel Chavez
- Jonathon Downin
- Dalia Labrador
- Alberto Gonzalez
- Di Fu