Volume 1, Issue 2 (1999)
A Circus Among the Circuits: Would the Truly Famous and Diluted Performer Please Stand Up? The Federal Trademark Dilution Act and Its Challenges
Xuan-Thao N. Nguyen
Interpreting Words in a Patent
Douglas Y'Barbo
Why Domain Names Are Not Generic: An Analysis of Why Domain Names Incorporating Generic Terms Are Entitled to Trademark Protection
Sarah E. Akhtar and Robert C. Cumbow
- Editor-in-Chief
- Elayna T. Pham
- Managing Editor
- Sean R. Brady
- Webpage Editor
- Edward Bryant
- Article Editors
- Edward Bryant
- John Murray
- Dale Panganiban
- Elayna T. Pham
- Staff Editors
- Robert E. Bodine
- Sean R. Brady
- W. Lizzy Diaz-Ortiz
- Fred Sheppard
- Ronald Hank Spuhler
- Faculty Advisor
- Bradley J. Hulbert
- Alumni Advisors
- Mark Wadrzyk
- Clinton Wilkinson